By using website and all its parts and sub-sites of Light Film Ltd (from now on: you automatically agree with all current Terms of Use.

Users shall read the Terms of Use regularly. It is considered that through continuing use of website or any portion thereof, users are familiar with the current Terms of Use and that they fully understand them.

No part website should not be used for unlawful purposes or their promotion. 

COPYRIGHTS has the copyright to all of its contents (textual, audio, and visual materials, databases, and programming code). Unauthorized use of any part of the website shall be considered an infringement of the copyrights of website and shall be subject to complaint.

Unauthorized use of any part of this website without the copyright owner’s consent ( partners, users …) shall be considered an infringement of the copyright and shall be subject to complaint.

If you hold that has violated your copyright, the case will be considered immediately, and disputed content will be removed immediately after the truthfulness of the complaint is established. contains links to websites outside its portal. It announces these Links in good faith and cannot be held accountable for content outside its portal.

PRIVACY POLICY protects users’ privacy to the maximum extent possible. undertakes to use in good faith the information obtained from users of its website, so that private information will not be distributed or sold to third parties, except with the consent of a user. can, by law, collect certain information about users obtained during the use of the website (excluding information about computers and on the Internet service provider) or the data entered in the registration process. shall use these data only to have information about the users that use it and thus improve the portal and to further focus and adjust its contents to the visitors. Based on these data, we find what are the most popular content and in which visitor groups. Data collection of this type to this or larger extent is common, and it is used by world-renowned websites like MSN, Google, etc. undertakes not to use the collected private information, such as e-mail addresses, names, and surnames without users’ permission or to sell or distribute them, except demographic data for a group of users without disclosing private information. undertakes to protect the privacy of the portal users, except in the case of serious violations of the rules of website or unlawful activities of users.

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